Thursday, September 07, 2006

Write Great Fiction : Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell

Title: Write great fiction : plot & structure : techniques and exercises for crafting a plot that grips readers from start to finish
Author: James Scott Bell
Genre: Non-Fiction
Summary: A thorough study of plot and structure, using various movies, plays and books to drive home the point.
The Take-Away: The structure and explanation of plot devices and novel structure is so deceptive, it creeps up and slaps you along side the head. Then I wondered, "Why didn't I see that before?"
This title was a great refresher and a fantastic way to plot my next story while pointing out the holes in the current one. Since Bell uses a variety of books, movies and plays to make his point, everyone should be able relate to what he is saying without reading any obscure books.
Recommendation: If you need a refresher or a motivator, this is it.

August Titles

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