Sunday, July 21, 2024

Author Visit - Francis Gary Powers Jr.

For more than three decades, Francis Gary Powers, Jr. has captivated audiences worldwide with his lectures on the Cold War, its veterans, espionage, and his father, CIA U-2 pilot Gary Powers
Shot down over the Soviet Union on May 1, 1960, Gary Powers' story became a pivotal moment in history. Referred to as the U-2 Incident, this event was immortalized in Steven Spielberg's 2015 Cold War thriller Bridge of Spies, depicting the exchange of the pilot for Soviet KGB Spy Rudolph Able in 1962.

During his talk, Powers discusses his experience consulting on the 2015 Spielberg film, growing up in the shadow of a famous Cold War figure, and how his research led to the USAF and CIA posthumously awarding his father the POW Medal/Directors Medal and Silver Star in 2000 and 2012 respectively. 

The free event is 6 p.m. Thursday, July 27 at the Oshkosh Public Library.

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