Sunday, June 09, 2024

Poetry Workshop, June 10

Better Poetry, Better Life

Why dash off a poem, when you can write a poem that has the potential to change the world?

During this interactive workshop held at the Oshkosh Public Library, attendees will create poetry toolboxes filled with rhythm, meter, rhyme, tone, line breaks, fixed forms, and various other helpful tools to enhance our writing.

Participants will have the opportunity to write poems, share them with the group, and engage in discussions on refining our poems to maximize their impact.

 The program is free and open to the public. 


Bill Gillard is an award-winning teacher of creative writing and literature at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and lives in Appleton with his wife and two daughters. His writing has appeared in dozens of journals, and his verse novel If a Clod Be Washed, is due for publication by Kelsay Books in 2024.

In 2021, Thomas Cannon was named the poet laureate of Oshkosh. As the author of five books and many poems published in journals, Tom is eager to bring people together through poetry. He and his wife Linda have raised three children and have three grandchildren.

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