Thursday, January 20, 2011

Congrats Tom!

Tom Cannon’s story "Mornings with AJ & Jen" (the story of two morning deejays taken hostage) was accepted for publication by “On the Premises” magazine. The story and short author bio will appear in March, Issue 13.

As an aside, the story was initially on hold until Tom made some recommended change. In accepting the story upon second review, co-publisher Tarl Kudrick noted:

“You are, by far, the easiest guest writer we've worked with to date. You cleared up all of our concerns in one rewrite. I wish I was better at picking writers like you out of the rejection pile, as opposed to writers who aren't good enough to fix their story's problems, or who fight us over every suggested comma. If you ever need a reference to convince some other editor that you're easy to work with, just ask.”

To paraphrase Stephen King in “On Writing,” the only hard rule in writing is to do whatever your editor asks.

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